Germany confirms threat to stop sub sale over Israeli settlement policy
(too old to reply)
(¯`·.¸ Craig Chilton ¸.·´¯) <http://www.TravelForPlay.org>
2011-11-05 01:28:32 UTC
Germans know Nazis when they see them and they will not play any part in
another Holocaust.


BERLIN (JTA) – The German government has threatened to halt delivery of
a Dolphin submarine to Israel in protest of its settlements policy, a
German newspaper has confirmed.

In a report published Sunday, German officials confirmed to Der Spiegel
magazine that the government of Chancellor Angela Merkel is making the
threat to protest the recent Israeli government-approved construction of
1,100 apartments in the Gilo neighborhood of eastern Jerusalem.

Israel already has three Dolphin-class submarines, which are nuclear
capable, with two more under construction in Kiel, in northern Germany.
Last summer, Germany approved a $189 million discount for the purchase
of a sixth submarine, which costs about $1 billion.

The first two submarines were paid for by the German government, and the
following three were heavily subsidized, according to Der Spiegel. The
newspaper has reported, based on a WikiLeaks cable, that the submarine
subsidies were a response to Israeli demands for Holocaust reparations
from Germany.
Mitchell Holman
2011-11-05 01:50:56 UTC
"(¯`·.ž Craig Chilton ž.· Ž¯) <http://www.TravelForPlay.org>"
Post by (¯`·.¸ Craig Chilton ¸.·´¯) <http://www.TravelForPlay.org>
Germans know Nazis when they see them and they will not play any part
in another Holocaust.
What ships do the Israelis plan on using
their submarines against? The Palestinian navy,
Post by (¯`·.¸ Craig Chilton ¸.·´¯) <http://www.TravelForPlay.org>
BERLIN (JTA) – The German government has threatened to halt delivery
of a Dolphin submarine to Israel in protest of its settlements policy,
a German newspaper has confirmed.
In a report published Sunday, German officials confirmed to Der
Spiegel magazine that the government of Chancellor Angela Merkel is
making the threat to protest the recent Israeli government-approved
construction of 1,100 apartments in the Gilo neighborhood of eastern
Israel already has three Dolphin-class submarines, which are nuclear
capable, with two more under construction in Kiel, in northern
Germany. Last summer, Germany approved a $189 million discount for the
purchase of a sixth submarine, which costs about $1 billion.
The first two submarines were paid for by the German government, and
the following three were heavily subsidized, according to Der Spiegel.
The newspaper has reported, based on a WikiLeaks cable, that the
submarine subsidies were a response to Israeli demands for Holocaust
reparations from Germany.
(¯`·.ž Craig Chilton ž.·Ž¯) <http://www.TravelForPay.org>
2011-11-05 03:39:09 UTC
On Fri, 04 Nov 2011 20:50:56 -0500,
Mitchell Holman <nomailcomcast.net> ...

...responded to a **FORGERY**.

<flush all>

(¯`·.ž Craig Chilton ž.·Ž¯) <http://www.TravelForPay.org>
2011-11-05 03:37:43 UTC
Yet ANOTHER example of the DESPERATION of the LOWLIFE
and Dishonest Bigots as their Hate-Agendas Swirl Down the
Drain of Extinction -- to join those of the EQUALLy socially-
RETARDED segregationists -- NEVER to be heard from again!


I *LOVE the sound of bigots as they SELF-DESTRUCT like a
string of Chinese firecrackers! Society will NEVER miss them!

= = = = = = =

[[[ "Bill Taylor's" proving himself an IMMATURE dweeb again. ]]]

_,_ 111111111111\
___ / \ 111111111111\
\ | @ @ | 111111111111\
\1111 "Bill Taylor" 111 /
// \\
|| ||

OBVIOUS **FORGERY by Socially-RETARDED Bigot, Bill Taylor ---

On Fri, 04 Nov 2011 18:28:32 -0700, "(¯`·.¸ Craig Chilton ¸.·´¯)
<http://www.TravelForPay.org>" <***@ss.org> wrote:

== The LINK in the above forgery has been REPAIRED, and now
it *again* provides a real opportunity for AVAILABLE WORK
to those who click on it. (And TAYLOR gets the middle finger!) ==

<FORGED swill flushed>

= = = = =

EVERY TIME that a socially-retarded bigot FORGES an egalitarian,
or post submoronic LIES *about* any egalitarian who supports and
defends civil/human rights and personal liberties -- the bigoted loser
automatically earns himself an •• OCR Point ••.

Those Points are virtual *reminders* to all readers that the bigot
has made his ONLY worthwhile contribution to society by helping to
raise its consciousness to the fact that **ALL** bigots are ignorant
LOWLIFES -- and that is *consistent* with their loathsome hate-
agendas. Thus: OCR = •• Operation Consciousness-Raising. ••

The FASTER society as a whole learns that the rights that bigots
oppose are 100% BENEFICIAL and HARMLESS, the **sooner**
society will render their hate-agendas EXTINCT, and then in the
future remember the bigots only the DERISION. The same fate
that befell the segregationists.

= = = = =


Whenever you see a post that I have created, that deals with
civil & human rights and personal liberties -- ASK YOURSELF if
you have EVER seen any TRUTH or SENSE emanating from the
bigots who inevitably disparage them via hate-posts and for-
forgeries. ASK yourself: "WHO is providing readers with FACTS
and INTELLIGENT discourse -- Craig, or THEM?" Ask yourself:
"WHO is presenting the readers with IRREFUTABLE and *easily-
verified* FACTS and viable arguments -- Craig, or the bigots
who OPPOSE reasonable & fair personal liberties for tens of
MILLIONS of people, which do absolutely NO HARM to anyone
or anything?"

If you can HONESTLY answer "Craig" to both of the above
questions, then you need to put the comments made by the
bigots in their proper perspective and ask yourself THIS:
"WHY would ANY sensible and intelligent person ever want
to lend ANY support or credibility to any verbiage that is be-
ing spewed by such hateful and irrational people who are
being nothing but TOXIC to our society, and to civil/human

Finally -- IF you think that the bigots who oppose me are
right, and DO have worthwhile arguments... then I INVITE
you to present ME with actual FACTS that REFUTE anything
that I present AS facts in my posts. And if you CANNOT do
that -- then THINK about the implications of what that means
for the anti-personal-liberties claims and agendas of my op-
ponents here in Usenet. ]]]


-- Craig Chilton (E-Mail me if you wish, from top 5 websites below.)

http://www.TravelForPay.org -- Unemployment Solution!
http://www.ChristianEgalitarian.com -- Fight the hateful RRR Cult!
http://apifar.blogspot.com -- Tactics: Defending Human Rights
http://pro-christian.blogspot.com -- Exposing RRR Cult Bigotry
http://www.shadowandillusion.com -- Learn "The LOPAQUA Secret!"
http://www.rhrealitycheck.org/print/14481 -- Excellent article!
http://base8.lavenderliberal.com/index.html -- Searchable Database
of the Proposition Hate (8) ENEMIES of Human Rights! KNOW the
enemies... and then HARASS and BOYCOTT the enemies, as much
as it is legally possible to do so!