2010-03-14 08:08:16 UTC
"watcha doin' Richard?"
"Not believing in sumthin!"
"that's it? you flew halfway round the world for that?"
"nothing left to say"
the sound of a pathetic < 2500 atheists boring each other at what
THEY claim is the BIGGEST Atheist convention ever!
Less than Twenty five hundred attendees!!!
That's less people than turn up to just ONE Sydney Church,
Hillsong, on a Sunday B^)
So much for the worldwide 'cause' of not believing in something or other!!!
I searched the media for some sign of something relevant to
the modern world coming out of this festival of self-indulgence
...but there was nothing..
Atheism is an empty pass-time for people who lack the intellectual
rigor to develop a genuine philosophy, or even a meaningful
world view! B^]
The only thing the BBC had to say about this pathetic and irrelevant
gathering of sad sacks was that it happened and was smaller than the
Parliament of World Religions, held in the same city last year! B^D
"Atheists meet in Melbourne to celebrate lack of faith"
Can you imagine any other group of grown adults meeting
to celebrate what they DON'T believe in!? B^D
The annual 'Life on Mars' Society B^D
A gathering of Dodo Breeders! B^D
'Raising Live dinosaurs' by A. Fossil! B^]
"Melbourne attracted more believers to a convention last year"
"More than 2,000 atheists from around the world are gathering in
Melbourne, Australia, to celebrate their lack of religious belief."
More than 2000??? They were only expecting 2500
...and they didn't even get that!!!!!
"It is thought to be the world's largest gathering of atheist thinkers."
next time they should get a bigger phone booth! B^p
"They plan to issue a statement on what they say are the
negative effects of religion on society."
The entire international atheist community meets and all they
have to offer the world, beset with problems, is to WHINE about
those who provide schools, hospitals and countless charities!
Wot a pack of USELESS WANKERS!!! they are a JOKE! B^D
"All 2,500 tickets were sold out earlier this year, but
a religious gathering at the same venue in December
attracted three times as many delegates."
"There is a determination to avoid what one session calls Atheistic
Fundamentalism, says our correspondent."
B^D too bloody LATE! alt.atheism is full of violent, sick
atheist psychopaths who vent their jealous hatred of the religions
who provide development projects, women's shelters, soup Kitchens,
aid to refugees and the mentally ill..schools and hospitals
eg, here is their leader.. they call him "Warlord";
# From: Steve Knight <***@cox.net>
# Newsgroups: alt.atheism
# Subject: A.A. BAAWA - FAQ
# Message-ID: <***@4ax.com>
# Date: Sat, 26 Sep 2009 02:46:34 -0700
# We kill theists and shit down their throats and
# not in a girly way.
# Warlord Steve
Not satisfied with murder, Steve favours GENOCIDE
# From: Steve Knight <***@cox.net>
# Newsgroups: alt.atheism,alt.religion.islam
# Subject: Re: Islam: the perfect religion and way of life for all
# Message-ID: <***@4ax.com>
# Date: Mon, 02 Nov 2009 18:58:18 -0800
# On Mon, 2 Nov 2009 21:22:32 +0200, "Katrina"
# <***@yahoo.com> wrote:
# >Islam: the perfect religion and way of life for all
# It is the most foul, disgusting filth on Earth.
# The sooner we nuke you fuckers, the better.
# Warlord Steve
No wonder the atheist's convention-in-a-shoe-box is concerned
about the hate filled, sociopaths and thugs in their midst,
especially as the world has seen the terror, torture and mass
murder which characterised EVERY atheist state ever to exist;
The Union of Savage Slaughter and Repression (USSR), Mao's
Cultural Devolution and Great Leap Backwards, Pol Pots Cambodian
Genocide and the only surviving atheist tyranny, Kim ill Suk's
North Korean Wonderland! B^p
"Participants will be urged to avoid "missionary zeal" in their
determination to promote their non-religious message to the world."
The sort of zeal which saw over 70,000,000 men women and children
killed in the atheist tyrannies of last century...
No wonder their current membership is so tiny, and irrelevant..
the reputation of atheism is despair, death and destruction on
an unimaginable scale.
# http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/State_atheism#Wolak2004
# "State atheism is the official promotion of atheism
# by a government, typically by active suppression of
# religious freedom and practice."
# - "Protest for Religious Rights in the USSR:
# Characteristics and Consequences,
# David Kowalewski,
# Russian Review, Vol. 39, No. 4 (Oct., 1980), pp. 426-441,
# "An atheist, Pol Pot suppressed Cambodia’s Buddhist religion:
# monks were defrocked; temples and artifacts, including statues of
# Buddha, were destroyed; and people praying or expressing
# other religious sentiments were often killed.
# ...the government emptied the cities through mass evacuations
# and sent people to the countryside. Cambodians were overworked
# and underfed on collective farms, often succumbing to disease or
# starvation as a result. Spouses were separated and family meals
# prohibited in order to steer loyalties toward the state
# instead of the family.
# About 1.7 million Cambodians, or about 20 percent of the population,
# were worked, starved, or beaten to death under Pol Pot’s regime."
# - http://encarta.msn.com/encyclopedia_761579038/pol_pot.html
# The Cambodian Genocide:
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# "The country's 40,000 to 60,000 Buddhist monks,
# regarded by the regime as social parasites,
# were defrocked and forced into labor brigades.
# Many monks were executed; temples and pagodas were
# destroyed or turned into storehouses or jails.
# Images of the Buddha were defaced and dumped into
# rivers and lakes. People who were discovered praying
# or expressing religious sentiments in other ways
# were often killed.
# The Christian and Muslim communities were among the most
# persecuted, as well. The Roman Catholic cathedral of
# Phnom Penh was completely razed.
# The Khmer Rouge forced Muslims to eat pork, which they
# regard as an abomination. Many of those who refused were killed.
# Christian clergy and Muslim imams were executed."
# - http://countrystudies.us/cambodia/29.htm
# "Forty-eight percent of Cambodia's Christians were killed
# because of their religion."
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# "the state established atheism as the only scientific truth."
# - Daniel Peris,
# "Storming the Heavens: The Soviet League of the Militant Godless"
# Cornell University Press 1998 ISBN 9780801434853
# "State atheism has been mostly implemented in communist
# countries, such as the former Soviet Union,[1] China,
# Communist Albania, Communist Afghanistan, North Korea,
# Communist Mongolia and Poland under communist rule also
# promoted state atheism and suppressed religion.
# - Forced out: the fate of Polish Jewry in Communist Poland.
# Wolak, Arthur J. p 104
# In these nations, the governments viewed atheism as an
# intrinsic part of communist ideology.
alt.atheism FAQ:
"Atheism is the natural and inseparable part of Communism."
-Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov (Lenin)
"Our program necessarily includes the propaganda of atheism."
- Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov (Lenin)
"How can you make a revolution without firing squads?"
- Lenin
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"Not believing in sumthin!"
"that's it? you flew halfway round the world for that?"
"nothing left to say"
the sound of a pathetic < 2500 atheists boring each other at what
THEY claim is the BIGGEST Atheist convention ever!
Less than Twenty five hundred attendees!!!
That's less people than turn up to just ONE Sydney Church,
Hillsong, on a Sunday B^)
So much for the worldwide 'cause' of not believing in something or other!!!
I searched the media for some sign of something relevant to
the modern world coming out of this festival of self-indulgence
...but there was nothing..
Atheism is an empty pass-time for people who lack the intellectual
rigor to develop a genuine philosophy, or even a meaningful
world view! B^]
The only thing the BBC had to say about this pathetic and irrelevant
gathering of sad sacks was that it happened and was smaller than the
Parliament of World Religions, held in the same city last year! B^D
"Atheists meet in Melbourne to celebrate lack of faith"
Can you imagine any other group of grown adults meeting
to celebrate what they DON'T believe in!? B^D
The annual 'Life on Mars' Society B^D
A gathering of Dodo Breeders! B^D
'Raising Live dinosaurs' by A. Fossil! B^]
"Melbourne attracted more believers to a convention last year"
"More than 2,000 atheists from around the world are gathering in
Melbourne, Australia, to celebrate their lack of religious belief."
More than 2000??? They were only expecting 2500
...and they didn't even get that!!!!!
"It is thought to be the world's largest gathering of atheist thinkers."
next time they should get a bigger phone booth! B^p
"They plan to issue a statement on what they say are the
negative effects of religion on society."
The entire international atheist community meets and all they
have to offer the world, beset with problems, is to WHINE about
those who provide schools, hospitals and countless charities!
Wot a pack of USELESS WANKERS!!! they are a JOKE! B^D
"All 2,500 tickets were sold out earlier this year, but
a religious gathering at the same venue in December
attracted three times as many delegates."
"There is a determination to avoid what one session calls Atheistic
Fundamentalism, says our correspondent."
B^D too bloody LATE! alt.atheism is full of violent, sick
atheist psychopaths who vent their jealous hatred of the religions
who provide development projects, women's shelters, soup Kitchens,
aid to refugees and the mentally ill..schools and hospitals
eg, here is their leader.. they call him "Warlord";
# From: Steve Knight <***@cox.net>
# Newsgroups: alt.atheism
# Subject: A.A. BAAWA - FAQ
# Message-ID: <***@4ax.com>
# Date: Sat, 26 Sep 2009 02:46:34 -0700
# We kill theists and shit down their throats and
# not in a girly way.
# Warlord Steve
Not satisfied with murder, Steve favours GENOCIDE
# From: Steve Knight <***@cox.net>
# Newsgroups: alt.atheism,alt.religion.islam
# Subject: Re: Islam: the perfect religion and way of life for all
# Message-ID: <***@4ax.com>
# Date: Mon, 02 Nov 2009 18:58:18 -0800
# On Mon, 2 Nov 2009 21:22:32 +0200, "Katrina"
# <***@yahoo.com> wrote:
# >Islam: the perfect religion and way of life for all
# It is the most foul, disgusting filth on Earth.
# The sooner we nuke you fuckers, the better.
# Warlord Steve
No wonder the atheist's convention-in-a-shoe-box is concerned
about the hate filled, sociopaths and thugs in their midst,
especially as the world has seen the terror, torture and mass
murder which characterised EVERY atheist state ever to exist;
The Union of Savage Slaughter and Repression (USSR), Mao's
Cultural Devolution and Great Leap Backwards, Pol Pots Cambodian
Genocide and the only surviving atheist tyranny, Kim ill Suk's
North Korean Wonderland! B^p
"Participants will be urged to avoid "missionary zeal" in their
determination to promote their non-religious message to the world."
The sort of zeal which saw over 70,000,000 men women and children
killed in the atheist tyrannies of last century...
No wonder their current membership is so tiny, and irrelevant..
the reputation of atheism is despair, death and destruction on
an unimaginable scale.
# http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/State_atheism#Wolak2004
# "State atheism is the official promotion of atheism
# by a government, typically by active suppression of
# religious freedom and practice."
# - "Protest for Religious Rights in the USSR:
# Characteristics and Consequences,
# David Kowalewski,
# Russian Review, Vol. 39, No. 4 (Oct., 1980), pp. 426-441,
# "An atheist, Pol Pot suppressed Cambodia’s Buddhist religion:
# monks were defrocked; temples and artifacts, including statues of
# Buddha, were destroyed; and people praying or expressing
# other religious sentiments were often killed.
# ...the government emptied the cities through mass evacuations
# and sent people to the countryside. Cambodians were overworked
# and underfed on collective farms, often succumbing to disease or
# starvation as a result. Spouses were separated and family meals
# prohibited in order to steer loyalties toward the state
# instead of the family.
# About 1.7 million Cambodians, or about 20 percent of the population,
# were worked, starved, or beaten to death under Pol Pot’s regime."
# - http://encarta.msn.com/encyclopedia_761579038/pol_pot.html
# The Cambodian Genocide:
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# "The country's 40,000 to 60,000 Buddhist monks,
# regarded by the regime as social parasites,
# were defrocked and forced into labor brigades.
# Many monks were executed; temples and pagodas were
# destroyed or turned into storehouses or jails.
# Images of the Buddha were defaced and dumped into
# rivers and lakes. People who were discovered praying
# or expressing religious sentiments in other ways
# were often killed.
# The Christian and Muslim communities were among the most
# persecuted, as well. The Roman Catholic cathedral of
# Phnom Penh was completely razed.
# The Khmer Rouge forced Muslims to eat pork, which they
# regard as an abomination. Many of those who refused were killed.
# Christian clergy and Muslim imams were executed."
# - http://countrystudies.us/cambodia/29.htm
# "Forty-eight percent of Cambodia's Christians were killed
# because of their religion."
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# "the state established atheism as the only scientific truth."
# - Daniel Peris,
# "Storming the Heavens: The Soviet League of the Militant Godless"
# Cornell University Press 1998 ISBN 9780801434853
# "State atheism has been mostly implemented in communist
# countries, such as the former Soviet Union,[1] China,
# Communist Albania, Communist Afghanistan, North Korea,
# Communist Mongolia and Poland under communist rule also
# promoted state atheism and suppressed religion.
# - Forced out: the fate of Polish Jewry in Communist Poland.
# Wolak, Arthur J. p 104
# In these nations, the governments viewed atheism as an
# intrinsic part of communist ideology.
alt.atheism FAQ:
"Atheism is the natural and inseparable part of Communism."
-Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov (Lenin)
"Our program necessarily includes the propaganda of atheism."
- Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov (Lenin)
"How can you make a revolution without firing squads?"
- Lenin
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