Police: Everett resident disarms violent, gun-toting robbers.....With his legal owned weapon. 2 scum off street.
(too old to reply)
2014-07-15 18:59:39 UTC
Police: Everett resident disarms violent, gun-toting robbers


EVERETT, Wash. -- A homeowner coolly disarmed two violent, gun-toting
felons who drove into his backyard following a holdup at a nearby
motel early last Friday, according to the Everett Police Department.

According to the probable-cause documents filed with Snohomish County
Superior Court, 33-year-old Christopher Meegan of Everett and
28-year-old Adolfo Huerta of Tacoma knocked on Room 241 at the Days
Inn Motel on Everett Mall Way around 5:20 a.m.

The suspects kicked in the door, and Huerta placed a shotgun against
the male victim's face, according to the documents.

Huerta and Meegan, who was armed with a pistol, reportedly demanded to
know where the money was before hitting the male victim in the back of
the head with something, causing a large cut.

According to the documents, Huerta then pointed the shotgun at the
female victim's face as she was lying in bed. The female victim told
the suspects there was money in her purse.

The suspects left with $200 and the keys to the male victim's GMC
Yukon, which they drove off, according to the documents.

While the male victim refused to provide a statement for fear of
retaliation, the female victim told police what happened and said she
recognized Meegan as a man she knew by the name of "Nut."

A short time later, a resident in the 9200 block of First Drive
Southeast called 911 to report that two armed men had driven their SUV
into his backyard. According to the documents, the resident was able
to disarm both suspects at gunpoint.

The suspects reportedly ran off, briefly attempting to steal a car
belonging to the manager of a nearby Public Storage business, before
being arrested.

Huerta, who has six felony convictions, was arrested for investigation
of robbery, assault and unlawful possession of a firearm.

Meegan, who is under Department of Corrections supervision and has
nine felony convictions, was arrested for investigation of robbery,
assault, unlawful possession of a firearm and possession of a stolen


Criminals defeated with our rights to defend ourselves.

Guess what, the criminals had stolen weapon no background check would
have helped.

The only people Gun Control would have helped are criminals.

"Laws that forbid the carrying of arms...disarm only those who are
neither inclined nor determined to commit crimes... Such laws make
things worse for the assaulted and better for the assailants; they
serve rather to encourage than to prevent homicides, for an unarmed
man may be attacked with greater confidence than an armed man."
Thomas Jefferson (Quoting Cesare Beccaria)
2014-07-16 03:11:05 UTC
Post by MattB
Police: Everett resident disarms violent, gun-toting robbers
Gun Control (eliminating 300,000,000) would have prevented the need
for disarming someone with a gun

2014-07-16 17:34:02 UTC
Post by Y***@Jurgis.net
Post by MattB
Police: Everett resident disarms violent, gun-toting robbers
Gun Control (eliminating 300,000,000) would have prevented the need
for disarming someone with a gun
Gary this shows your kind.

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