2014-07-04 22:10:17 UTC
Cop Punches Woman In Los Angeles In Scene Caught On Tape
A California Highway Patrol officer was caught on tape punching a
woman on the side of a Los Angeles highway on Tuesday.
The video posted on YouTube shows the cop pursuing the woman on foot
past an I-10 on-ramp. Those recording it can be heard laughing at
first. (Warning: video contains NSFW language).
But the laughs quickly subside as the cop grabs the woman, who is
either pulled down or falls to the ground, and then repeatedly punches
CHP says the officer asked the woman to stop, but she refused and
continued to walk away from him.
"A physical altercation ensued as the pedestrian continued to resist
arrest, at which point a plain clothes, off duty officer assisted in
applying the handcuffs," the CHP said in a statement given to KABC.
The woman refused to give her name and is identified only as "Jane
Doe." KABC says she was taken to a hospital for physical and mental
A California Highway Patrol officer was caught on tape punching a
woman on the side of a Los Angeles highway on Tuesday.
The video posted on YouTube shows the cop pursuing the woman on foot
past an I-10 on-ramp. Those recording it can be heard laughing at
first. (Warning: video contains NSFW language).
But the laughs quickly subside as the cop grabs the woman, who is
either pulled down or falls to the ground, and then repeatedly punches
CHP says the officer asked the woman to stop, but she refused and
continued to walk away from him.
"A physical altercation ensued as the pedestrian continued to resist
arrest, at which point a plain clothes, off duty officer assisted in
applying the handcuffs," the CHP said in a statement given to KABC.
The woman refused to give her name and is identified only as "Jane
Doe." KABC says she was taken to a hospital for physical and mental